Saturday, June 18, 2011

DaAaRrr...LinGgSSss !!

They say: “the secret to good health & prosperity is to always stay happy and contented with whatever you are offered”. This simple statement appears perfect and meaningful in all situations of life.

I agree with this philosophy and “always” follow it too when things are turning grey and beyond my capacity to tailor it back to normal. It is when I realize that I have lost all brighter colours in my palette and the ones left are of little help; thus tagging on this statement keeps me at PeacE ! :)

But the twist to the tale starts here; giving me a definite purpose for posting this blog today. I felt the above statement is devoid of an “important-InGreDienT”. So, after addingthat the statement appeared thus:

“The secret to good health & prosperity is to always stay happy and contented with whatever you are offered...........and sometimes it’s all about “StAYInG-ToGEtHER” – as room-mates !”

So, now that you see flawlessSmiLe & dImpLEthat we all are flaunting above is ONLY b’cozwe are ALL staying together as ONE” ! ~~ :)

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