Wednesday, August 22, 2012

pOst-it !! :)

They say “maGic” happens in a blink. The ‘bLinK’ is short-lived but permeates through the inner nerves to settle deep in thoughts and senses. I have had millions of such ‘maGic MoMenTs’ flown in to me, by a ‘maGiCian’ sitting above. I love to a keep a memoir of all beautiful, splendid n ecstatic experiences, for which i’m chosen for, to feel and understand them.

I have gathered here, that if all those ‘MoMenTs’, felt inside are granted a peaceful abode outside, they form a perfect story trail. The story reflects enthusiastic, playful and cheerful characters coming alive, each time you touch them........! :)

“pOst-it” notes are my saviour in crafting this memorable trail of stories.....created out of jiffy plot. I feel contented, each time I ‘sTiCk’ a new post-it on my wall and see it shaping into a block-buster......... ;)

The group of above post-it, bears testimony of the wonderful moments that i felt and continue to feel.....they give you a fillip to build a strong pathway onto the journey of life, with a toast to raise always, for each captured precious ‘maGical bLinKs’, written with love :)

1 comment:

Rupa said...

May you have many such wonderful moments...Its good to think about such moments