Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ruminate : for a SeCoNd time !!

जैसे तिल में तेल है; ज्यों चकमक में आग

तेरा साईं तुझ में है; तू जाग सके तो जाग

A wonderful couplet that draws us to the “Divinity inside us”...revealing the secrets through instances that though appear abstruse but has the power to capacitate us with divine powers.

Sant Kabir in his signature style takes us through the trifles of a seed and a stone that appears only lifeless and motionless objects but they have in themselves the reflection of the Supreme Being.

He further elaborates that as we extract oil from the seeds and draw fire from the flint stones; we are clearly experiencing the “Divinity”; hidden in them. The seed and the stone superficially appear powerless and feeble and in a state of ignorance; but the moment we see them with the good-ness (read the oil and the fire) inside them; we know that they are gifted with strength n vigour which are the other signs of the divine powers.

The realisation of this Divine resting “WItHIn us” is the lone path to peace n contentment. The seed and the stone, capable of producing the oil and the fire are clear manifestations of the divinity. The result is a distinguished individuality; renamed now as “OiL SeeDS n SParKle STonEs”.

So, dearest people; its mere “You” outside but the moment u open up to “UR innate STreNgTH n GuT that resides in the inner conscience; u are exposed to “holiness” n “Divinity”; incomparable. You now is rechristened as “PoWerFuL yOU; D DiViNe yOU..!!”.

I therefore bow my head in admiration to “The Divine” in each one of us n pray that we all live in harmony and unison....

1 comment:

achala nupur said...

Kabir is truly a marvel....!!~

I owe through this blog to his "wonderful thoughts" that reflect a strong sense of principles of life.

The simple thoughts espouse a dictum of "a perfect living". :)