Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DeSSert pleaSure !!

It seemed -
a slow-going evening.......the clouds above
were busy-dressing themselves up
for the evening show......
Soon the blackness, hit the stage n
all you could hear is the patter of rains.... n musical ! :)

and, suddenly, the foodie in-side me
pushed me towards the kitchen
my chef's cap on......adorned with a cheerful heart
picking up "cuStard-pOwder, sugar n milk"
I mixed n poured n stirred the yellow batter......
Awaiting......a flavoured boil....... 1 2 3
4 5 6 .......... n its DeLiciOusly ReAdy......... delight-full !

treated myself to a wonder and
"cup full" of creamy Yellow-cuStard this Tuesday evening !!

~~ :)


Preets said...

Another beauty :)

Love the line "he clouds above
were busy-dressing themselves up
for the evening show......"

Bon app!

Common citizen said...

looks so yummy!!!!!!